October 9, Community

“Friends are most in the Spirit when they stand at the crossing point of the inward and the outward life. And that is the intersection at which we find community. “ —Parker Palmer

Who are we to each other in the community of our meeting, and in the broader Quaker world? Come and listen, reflect and explore the world of Quaker community.

Introductory Exercise

What has been important to you about communities that you of which you have been part?
What are your hopes for the community of FMC?
What has your experience of the FMC community so far?


We will talk about topics such as the testimony of community, organization of the meeting, Quaker decision-making and approach to unity, diversity and conflict, the wider Quaker community, and membership

Question & Answer

Whole group discussion

Sharing in small groups

Topics that have come up tonight
“Parking lot” for unanswered questions

Reflections on the evening and worship to close

Reference Material

Web-based written materials

QuakerSpeak Videos